SCKC X AHKC Almaden Park Clean Up
SP, Andrew Hill, D12S
On October 16th, I volunteered at the Almaden Park Clean Up, a collaboration between Silver Creek Key Club and Andrew Hill Key Club. There were many tasks such as weeding, picking up trash, and sorting the trash. However, this event stood out to me as unique because it was a collaboration service event between two Key Clubs from different schools. As this was my first park clean-up event in Key Club, I'd never heard of an interclub event. This really shows how vast Key Club's impact is on the Bay Area. Therefore, there were so many passionately driven individuals from Silver Creek, whom, I even made much small talk with and bonded over common interests. I hope events like these can be more common within Andrew Hill Key Club because I had such a unique experience.
Greek Festival
SM, St. Mary, D27N
The Greek Festival was held on Sunday, September 11th, 2022 at Saint Basil Greek Orthodox Church. During this time Key Club members were able to work different jobs such as traffic duty, helping people where to park their vehicles, and helping work stands, selling food, items, or giving out information. With this event, people were able to learn more about St. Basil Greek Orthodox Church, Greek culture, and traditions, and learn more about traditional Greek cuisine. The event was a great opportunity to reconnect with old friends, make new ones, and work and interact with key club members from other schools. When working you were allowed to take breaks when you felt like you needed it; around 20-minute breaks. The time working for St Marys key club members was 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM, the event lasting from 12 PM to 6 PM with the cost of $5 per person. We really liked this event because it gave our members a chance to relax and focus on the present instead of worrying about what has to be done, or what you need to work on. It gave our members a chance to just rewind and have fun.
EF, Lincoln, D13W
On Saturday, Oct 15, 2022, Lincoln Key Club held a DINO-lymics event at Downey Recreation Center. The event began with opening statements and club news, presented by Faye Nguyen (president) and Anabell Dinh (vice president). Next, we played icebreaker games to get more acquainted with our existing and new club members. Once the icebreakers were over, our Club Representatives, Jaden Rattay and Estevan Lopez, introduced us to the DINO-lymics games as the hosts. Lincoln Key Club then proceeded to compete against each other in friendly competition with games like Freeze-Tag, a Relay-Race, Simon Says, Red Light Green Light, and lastly a Wheelbarrow and Leapfrog race. We concluded the event by handing out awards to our winners and taking a group photo.
Red Cross Blood Drive
AM, South Gate, D13W
On Monday, October 24, 2022, South Gate High School Key Club held a Blood Drive in collaboration with the Red Cross! Through biweekly meetings with a Red Cross representative, South Gate Key Clubbers organized a successful blood drive with more than 80+ donors. On hourly shifts, 2-4 Key Clubbers would aid in checking in donors, replenishing the cookies and juice table, sending summons out to students giving blood during the school day, and guiding them to the small gym where the blood drive was being held. Key Clubbers worked tirelessly to promote the event and attract as many donors as possible through morning announcements and class visits. These donors, as young as 16, saved three lives each. Throughout the Blood drive, Red Cross also accumulated more than 40 PowerRed Donors, which allowed them to give red blood cells and specifically help those with blood disorders such as sickle cell anemia, and those recovering from surgery or trauma. South Gate Key Club is proud to have made such an impact alongside the Red Cross. Many members reported that they learned much about the medical field by volunteering and rated it a surreal experience. Another Blood drive at South Gate High School is scheduled to be achieved next semester!
SPCA Volunteering
MM, Mount Whitney, D18
Mt. Whitney's Key Club walked dogs for SPCA again this month. We had around 15 members walking dogs each day. This was an exciting opportunity and a great way to get new members involved. Working with SPCA was a great volunteer opportunity that Mt.Whitney plans to do again!