Rose Float Decorating

TN, University, D04C

On Friday, December 29th, University High School Key Club members went with Division 4 Central and Division 4 South to the Phoenix Decorating Company facility in Irwindale, CA to help prep and decorate for the upcoming Rose Float Parade. Starting bright and early, UNI and Trabuco Hill Key Club members were assigned to work on the Newport Beach float, the longest float in the parade’s history! After meeting with the float’s crew chief, Tim, members were delegated different responsibilities like prepping flowers or gluing them onto the float. One of UNI’s members was lucky enough to go on top of the float and work on gluing flowers onto the actual float, while the rest of the group got to prep the flowers by removing them from their stem and placing glue on the backs of them. Being able to work together on one specific float the entire day with other division members was an incredible way to truly get to know each other, see everybody’s artistic skills come to life, and make new friends! Rose Float Decorating with the divisions was such a joyous event and UNI definitely can’t wait to come back next year and work with Tim and the Phoenix Decorating Company again!