Teddy Bear Tea Auction

BM, Walnut, D35E

Walnut Ellies helped out with the Teddy Bear Tea Auction, hosted by the Walnut Valley Educational Foundation. Ellies had a blast wearing black formal clothing, acting as auctioneers, and presenting/giving out the auction items—Christmas gift baskets! The money fundraised through the auction will be used to fund teacher’s mini grants during this holiday season. Volunteers helped set up tables, food, and snacks for the buyers. They also managed the bid sheets and answered questions for the biddres. At the end, they enjoyed a wide variety of foods and snacks—ranging from donuts to fruits to turkey—as a show of “thank you” for their work. Walnut Key Club officer Joe Li reflects, “I really enjoyed the event, there was a lot of good food and the auction was fun to volunteer for.”

D35E TeddyBearTea