UCLA Circle K Visit

JL, Lakewood, D13N

On November 19th, 2023, UCLA’s Circle K hosted an event for Region 8’s Key Clubs to visit the UCLA Kerckhoff State building. Lakewood Key Club was one of the many clubs invited to attend. It was a very informative learning experience for students looking into colleges. Four presentations were shown throughout the first half of the day. The first was a personal statement workshop where you learned tips on how to improve your college essays. The next was a financial aid presentation that went over various ways on to save money throughout college. After was a presentation on how to get used to college life. Lastly was a workshop on how to do well in an interview, allowing us to better prepare ourselves for upcoming job and intern opportunities. Next up on the agenda was the most awaited part of the day, lunch. The Circle K was kind enough to provide us with pizza and if members wanted, we could adventure to the student store to buy additional snacks! Once lunch was over, Circle K members hosted a Q & A session. This was an opportunity for upcoming college students to swarm the members with questions. Eventually, Key Club members were given a tour of the vast campus. Two groups were formed based on if you would like to see more stem based buildings or the humanities buildings. Lakewood Key Club went with the 2nd group. We were able to see such beautiful and famous sights! It was truly a magical experience as we explored the prestigious campus. Unfortunately, the tour finally came to an end. Circle K members ended the event with handing out small multicolored beaded lizard keychains and handmade bracelets!

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