Alzheimers Walk

BA, Etiwanda, D15N

On October 14, 2023, Etiwanda Key Clubbers had the opportunity to serve at the Inland Empire Walk to End Alzheimers in Rancho Cucamonga. Before the sun even rose, our members were diligently setting up tables, booths, signs, and balloons. I helped unload and stack snacks, gifts, and personal dedications for people who were running or donating to support the cause. As the event started, it warmed my heart to see families and members of our community join together to honor loved ones who have been affected by Alzheimer's disease. Our hard working members (with exciting guest appearances by Alta Loma's very own Vicky Huang and William Salloum) also cheered and led runners along the path for the charity walk. I felt so energized as I cheered and danced with people who were passing through, connecting with people just for one short, joyful moment at the finish line was so special to me. The charity walk ended before 10:00 AM, so we continued to work at booths, make memories with each other, and enjoy the festivities. After taking some smiley club photos, we began cleaning up and putting away the booths and decorations. By the end of the event, I felt so full of love, and felt so proud to have supported this cause alongside my kind friends I get to call Etiwanda Key Clubbers. We all loved working with this organization to put on a beautiful event, and I'll always remember how this event reminded me how much service can make me smile.

D15N AlzheimersWalk 1 Elisea Chuang