Surfrider California Coastal Cleanup

ADC, Jefferson, D34N

During the Ocean Beach Cleanup, we were given bags and gloves to go around the beach to pick up trash. At first, we didn't see too much trash because we saw another group of people who were also cleaning the beach up, so they had cleaned up in the area we started in. After walking on the beach for about 10 minutes, we came up on some small pieces of trash. This included bottle caps, fragments of paper and plastic, and shards of glass. After about half an hour we came up to the part of the beach that had an overhang from the Great Highway road, so we ended up finding more trash, which were a lot more glass shards, bottle caps, and some other questionable objects that didn't belong there. When the time was around 1:10 we started heading back after realizing we were about a mile from where we started. My group ended up with a decently full bag towards the end of the beach cleanup event.

D34N Surfrider California Coastal Cleanup