Interclub Beach Cleanup

RB, Kauai, D22M

In collaboration with Kapaa High School Key Club, Kauai High School Key Club helped out at Lydgate Beach on September 23. After all the members signed in underneath a tent, members split into groups and went to work. One job members had to do was to shovel up sand to help level out the ground, while others raked up loose junk from the ground. After that, members went to work with people of the Friends of Kamalani and Lydgate Park to help them pull this huge stump onto their trailer. Near the end, we put all of the junk everyone collected into the trailer and dumped it out somewhere far away from the beach. This event was definitely an enjoyable experience for me, as not only were we able to work with our neighboring Key Club.

D22M InterclubBeachClean Up 9 Mari Hinazumi

but we got a lot done and the beach looked a lot cleaner.