Redwood Shores Levee Clean-up

HK, Carlmont, D34N

The Redwood Shores Levee Clean-up is an annual event taking place each August in which members from the Redwood Shores and surrounding area pick up trash. I got to Mariner Park in Redwood Shores at around seven a.m. to help set up the snacks and drinks we provided for the volunteers. Then, I set off to pick up trash in the surrounding areas of the park. I not only bonded with the other Key Club members at the service event, but I also met many other people, such as  RCSA (Redwood Shores Community Association) board members. The landscaping along Redwood Shores I explored throughout the clean-up was beautiful, and I enjoyed knowing I was helping my environment by participating. After the clean-up, I helped to put away the set up of snack and water tables, and said goodbye to the new people I met. This event was genuinely enjoyable for me, and I look forward to attending next year.