Linstrom Elementary Set-Up

EA, Mayfair, D13N

On August, 5th, 8th, and 9th, Mayfair Key Club hosted a service event at Esther Lindstrom Elementary to help our fellow lions kick start the new school year! On the first day, we painted awesome posters with encouraging growth mindset messages to encourage the lions to do their best all year! We also helped teachers set up informational signs and create decorations to finalize classrooms. On the 9th, we focused on wrapping up more classrooms, reorganizing books, and adding final materials on desks for the students. All in all, I hope they have a successful first day and school year! I genuinely enjoyed helping out in preparing for the upcoming school year and I wish them the best of luck. With that being said, school’s ALREADY starting and I hope for this year to be amazing for you all! MONKEY OUTTTTTT!!!!!!

D13N Linstrom Elementary Set Up