Bolsa Grande x La Quinta Board Social

TT, La Quinta, D04N

The board social with BGKC was really fun and memorable. We kicked off the social with some kayaking in Huntington Harbor where each LQ officer was randomly paired with a BG officer to be in the same boat. I was matched with someone I had never met, but through the trials and obstacles that we overcame together, I got to know my partner better and quickly became friends with them. For the second round of kayaking, I was with a new partner, yet we were unfortunately just as slow as I was in the first round so we kept falling behind everyone else. Luckily, the social was not a race, thus we just took our time and had a relaxing kayaking session. From all the hard exercises we did by rowing those boats, everyone was tired and hungry by the end. Being by the beach made it very convenient to find a tasty and nearby restaurant where we ate some juicy burgers and creamy ice cream bars. Some of us also walked a quarter mile to the ocean, and I had another meal...of saltwater. The water temperature was super pleasant, and there was a nice breeze as we played in the water, took pictures, and relaxed on beach blankets on the warm sand. During this social, I was not only able to have fun and hang out with my peers, but I was also able to meet new friends and establish a greater sense of inclusivity and belonging in Key Club. I'm extremely eager to attend upcoming socials, and I hope to see and meet some new faces there in the future.