Cards for the Palolo Chinese Home and Hale Kuike 

JS, 'Iolani, D22H

Making cards for the Palolo Chinese home and Hale Kuike has not only been rewarding for the Key Club members, but has also brought so many smiles to the elderly’s faces. This ongoing project is open throughout the entire year for members to decorate and design thank you cards consisting of positive messages. This past month to celebrate Father’s Day, members created cards to give to the elderly homes. In total, 170 cards have been donated, bringing joy and wellness to the kupuna. When the elderly received these cards, many of them felt touched by the members' kind words and affirmations. The members of Key Club are forever grateful for the kupuna, which is why writing these letters makes many of the members feel fulfilled. Even just a bright message has made the elderly feel happier, making the hard work into creating these cards worth it. We hope that the 170 cards donated has made many of their days, even during the tough ones. The main goal of these cards is to uplift the kupuna through the member’s positivity and heartfelt messages.


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