Montgomery Garden Volunteering

RS, Kearny, D21

Around 9:00 in the morning, President Katelynn and myself met in front of Montgomery Middle School for our planned restoration of the garden. Key Club has helped with the garden in the past with similar restorations, so this was just another routine maintenance. Once we walked over to the garden entrance in the back, we waited in front of the gate for someone to let us in. After a short while, we had some short introductions with our team for the day in the garden and split up to get to work. Our job this time was to clean up the gazebo area and replace some of the withered floorboards with newly painted ones. Throughout our time there we had many interesting conversations and got the gazebo looking good again. We did everything from pulling weeds, cutting, painting, and installing wooden planks, and picking up trash. Later that morning, Vice President of Finance Long helped us with the remaining duties and finished up with us. Although we didn’t completely finish the restoration, we made great progress and met some very cool people. It was a great experience!