
San Diego School of Creative and Performing Arts, D11

Conclave was a great experience as someone who attended as a member for the first time! I found it intresting to watch and understand the way voting for LTG works. The formality of the event really succeeded in keeping a professional environment such as dressing business casual and only having deligates vote to keep away bias voting. It really performed well and I loved seeing the way the two running LTG canidates expressed their love for keyclub and gave their all into why they felt they were the best for the position. I got a taste into the way our division will be ran next term and it was a special experience to witness. Especially the amount of love given to both candidates after the next term’s LTG was announced was so amazing to see, all the hugs and words of encouragement. I really enjoyed the experience and I can’t wait to experience it again next year!

 D11 03 C 01 Darren Paningbatan