The Great Blanket Tower

MC, Piedmont Hills, D12E

Coming into the event, I could see the Hope on Wheels Truck and noticed this was the right place I needed to be. After getting dropped off at the lot there were at least 30 people waiting for the event to get started! Everyone was later split off into groups, I have no idea what the other groups were, but we had to fold up blankets and other items from these giant bins and move them to these tiny little tables. A great idea isn’t it? WRONG. Just fifteen minutes later and one of my friends accidentally bumps into the pile of blankets and it all topples down. Later, more tables were put up to help and those bins were emptied in no time. It was really nice seeing the joy on the people’s faces as they got the blankets. It really is cold nowadays. As we finished up we were all able to enjoy some pink lemonade too! We ended by folding up table legs and putting them away onto racks and almost trapping someone in a tarp.