Candidate Training Conference

AN, St Marys, D27N

Fantasy-TC, well known as Candidate Training Conference (CTC) was held on December 4th from 10 A.M. - 4 P.M. at Kiwanis Family House. CTC is an annual training event that occurs every year to prepare and inform prospective Lieutenant Governor candidates. It was very successful and eventful from meeting potential candidates from Region 16. We went through multiple workshops which educated us about the Lieutenant Governor’s tasks, personal experiences and advice, practicing caucus questions, the application process, and the expectations of Lieutenant Governor. One of my favorite workshops was “Rejection is Redirection” presented by Ryan Leung and Morgan Fu. It went over how to cope if you lose for LTG and just rejection in general. Take a pivot! The advice of the current Lieutenant Governors were really impactful since they were being extremely honest of their position and how they felt throughout the term so far. Overall, the training was very informative for it educated potential candidates of the possibility of LTG and their duties.