Night Picnic
LV, Etiwanda, D15N
Etiwanda held their annual Pre-Fall Rally as an opportunity for members to make up any missing Fall Rally requirements in substitution of a division Pre-Fall Rally on November 4th! My officers and I planned this event as our Night Picnic Potluck, where members brought all sorts of foods ranging from pizza to wings to desserts and more! First, the night started with dinner where members dove into the different variety of foods brought to the table. Soon after, we introduced our Monthly Independent Service Project for the month of November, Dog Toys! While some members continued to eat, other members were eager to complete their service project and many different groups worked together to create many adorable dog toys, which they later got to test out on some of our members’ dogs that they brought to the picnic! We ended off the night with teaching our members a few spirit and battle chants in preparation for our division spirit wars and Fall Rally. We ended off the long night with an intense spirit battle between two groups of our members and lots of fun pictures to memorialize this experience for a long time! From a president’s viewpoint, this event brought so much joy to my heart to be able to see all my members work together in creating service projects and feeling super energetic and competitive when it came to spirit cheers. I honestly can’t wait to see how much closer our members will continue to become, and I’m confident that our members are ready for what Fall Rally has to offer!