Sandwich Making for the Homeless
JR, Gahr, D13N
In accordance with the holiday of Thanksgiving, Gahr Key Club held an event that aimed to make sandwiches for the less fortunate. On the 22nd of November, all volunteers met up at Liberty Park to begin assembling and packing the sandwiches. While I was there, I expected only volunteers of Gahr to be there, however there were others from the Division, which reminded me of how highly interconnected Key Club is. As well as the sandwiches, we wrote encouraging notes for them. We ended up creating more than the amount we were originally hoping for which was delightful. As with every service event, it felt good to serve the community. However, writing notes made the project all more intimate. As this is my first year in Key Club, I hope to attend more service events because of how enjoyable this event was to me.