Walk to End Alzheimer’s

AG, La Jolla, D21

I volunteered at the Walk to End Alzheimer’s on the 8th, where I decorated a purple flower in memory of my grandfather and walked in support of finding a cure for this horrible disease. In addition to the actual walk, which my friends and I did over the course of an hour, I also helped my dad run his coffee booth. SyKo Coffee Roasters was created both as a mental health outlet for my dad, and a way to honor his father, who died from Alzheimer’s just over ten years ago. The profits my dad earns from selling the beans he roasts (and, in this case, grinds into cold brew) go to the Alzheimer’s foundation to support research for a cure. He donated hours upon hours of his own time and money to provide his coffee, free of charge, to those volunteering at the Walk. To pitch in, I helped set up the tent and served customers at his booth. The entire experience was very rewarding. I loved seeing people enjoy their complementary coffee, and I held meaningful conversations with my friends about the effect Alzheimer’s has had on their lives while we walked. I hope that the Walk touched many people’s hearts and minds, raised awareness about the terrible burden Alzheimer’s can be on patients and their families, and inspired people to find research for a cure!