

The BakeR-TC was one of the most memorable division meetings our club has gone to yet. On the 17th of September, our leaders and even some members of our club attended the Regional Training Conference at Guajome Park Academy to go through a training exercise about Key Club and what we as a whole stand for. The day included us going to different presentations about Key Club so our leaders could learn more about their duties in the club while members had the opportunity to learn more about the Key Club and Kiwanis organization in general. Having this opportunity to attend only helped create relationships between members and leaders without there being an awkward power imbalance because officers have more duties to do inside of the club compared to the members of the MVHS Key Club. Also, in this event we had our first spirit session for the upcoming Fall Rally South in November. Fall Rally South allows members of different Key Clubs all around Southern California to attend an event at Six Flags to show off spirit and to make connections and friendships with new people. Having events like the RTC only allows our club to feel more connected, which is something we want to achieve.