Stress Balls

Canyon, D16N

On the 22nd of September, Canyon’s Key Club collaborated with Sports Medicine to host a really amazing service project event. NN, a sophomore at UCSB, reached out to us about her non-profit organization, For Future Lungs. It focuses on bringing awareness about the risks of tobacco use in Vietnam. In order to help this organization and also have fun, our club made stress balls out of balloons and flour. Using a funnel, members attached a balloon to the bottom and slowly poured flour inside. Once tied up, they placed them into a ziploc bag and stapled on pieces of paper with their own creative and positive affirmations. Club member, ZO said, “The stress balls were really fun to make. I like how we were able to conjoin two clubs and help benefit those struggling with lung health due to tobacco. I hope our stress balls were able to make a difference and our messages created good vibes to those who are recovering.” By the end of the day, our club was able to put together over 70 stress balls, assembling 35 out of our 350 hours for this month. Though it was a little bit messy, everyone had a lively experience while also supporting a great cause!

D16N StressBalls