Officer Training Conference
AU, Enochs Key Club, D46N
One sunny Saturday morning, on July 16, D46N and D46S Key Club Officers attended the Division 46 Officer Training Conference event digitally via Zoom. The OTC was hosted by D46N and D46S Lieutenant Governors Zoei Quach and Anna Friess. The first order of business during the event was getting everyone comfortable, so the LTGs made a fun game for the officers to partake in the form of a quiz to find out which LTG you most resembled. Afterwards, the officers were told to join one of three workshop options for every session, for a total of three sessions. I attended the Safekey workshop, Member Recruitment workshop, and Editor workshop. In the Safekey workshop, the D46N Historian taught us the importance of being safekey in various environments. In the Member Recruitment workshop, the D46N Webmaster taught us the importance of actively recruiting new members into Key Club and the benefits it entails. In the Editor workshop, the D46N News Editor informed us about the tasks and responsibilities that come with every editing position in Key Club, including News Editors, Historians, and Webmasters. I believe the event was well-organized and thoughtfully put together, as I and many other Key Club officers reported to have learned important and beneficial material.