Key Club Training Conference (KCTC)

SL, Piedmont Hills, D12E

KCTC (Key Club Training Conference) is the opening to me enjoying my final year in high school. The day started off with me being semi-lost once I walked into the park until I found Andrew Tran and hung around with him before Sokunthea arrived. When we walked over to sign in, I waited in line for a bit before receiving a text from Leslie, one of my D12E penpals. Apparently she said that she recognized me, so I said, "Should I bunny hop 3 times?" Needless to say, she did find me and we had a really nice conversation + got a photo together. By chance, if Micka is reading this, hopefully I'll meet you in-person soon too. After that, the LTGS introduced themselves to all the other Key Clubbers from different divisions while also acting out a skit where our Key Club spirit was stolen. Then, Kiwanis advisor Huey Lee gave a beautiful speech to us before we moved onto our workshops. I went to the VP workshop, recruitment/retention, member recognition, and fundraising workshop. After all the workshops were done, the group I was with ate lunch together and rode the carousel where I supposedly "choked" the fake horse. Then, we proceeded with the DCM portion of KCTC and rode the train around the outskirts of the park. After riding the train, we rushed back for the service event of KCTC where we did activities such as creating dog toys, playing bingo, and playing soulmate. Finally, KCTC closed off with the ltgs giving their final remarks + announcing that we recovered our Key Club spirit! Truly an unforgettable memory of my high school experience, especially with all the photos I captured at KCTC. I hope that all attendees at future KCTCs will have as wonderful of an experience as I did.