Chino Concerts
Sv, Montclair High School, D15W
With the summer coming to a close, so have this year's Chino Concerts! Belugas from various schools came together to truly make these concerts great; their dedication has definitely shined with the amount of participation! We were beyond happy to have been able to meet Circle K, but even more fortunate to have assisted Chino’s Kiwanis. With busy lines, long hours, and some small, granule mistakes, the Kiwanis really helped turn all the concerts into a huge success! Not only did these concerts bring together Key Clubbers for service, but also fun. Personally, I enjoyed listening to the music and the overall atmosphere of the event. LTG (Yahir Perez) enjoyed the unconditional support and kindness from the Kiwanis, along with meeting Circle K and snacking on some of the food. It’s sad to see the last Chino Concert go, but with this year’s summer coming to a close, we can now look forward to a busy school year that will only bring us more prosperity.