Banana Bash Social
KC, Oxford Academy, D30S
It’s been a while since I have been to a social, but the Banana Bash Social – a joint social between several Key Clubs in Division 30 South – was a reminder of how interesting Key Club events can be, no matter how many you attend!I’ve never been the type of person to text or call much, but I loved chatting with people, in person. After going to a number of Key Club events and having a high attendance rate at socials and DCMs (due to my officer position and my personal love for Key Club), I thought I kind of understood everything and was quite experienced. It turns out, I still have much to learn!Key Club is about service, but also about the connections we can make. As a previous Division officer and a current and past club officer, I have gotten to know quite a lot of people from various places through Key Club. As a result, my contact list has expanded exponentially from before. However, at the recent Banana Bash Social, I met two new people I’ve never seen before, and we hit it off really, really well! During the minion ice breaker activity, I was paired with two seniors from different schools, and it turns out, we all love anime! It was a connection unrelated to Key Club, but we met because of the social. It was so much fun talking with them about different shows, getting to know them better, and just generally having an in-depth, engaging conversation about fictional characters and plotlines! I met another senior as we were considering buying banana bread from one of the fundraisers there, and a new friendship was formed… over banana bread. In any case, I’ve realized: it doesn’t matter how many people you meet, how many times you go to an event, or how much experience you think you have. There will always be more out there to experience, enjoy, and learn! Key Club is just one way to do all of that, and in my opinion, one of the best ways to do just that and more!